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7 Quick Takes Friday ... February 27th

This has been the uneventful eventful week. Why you ask? Well yesterday was a snow day (and I still didn't write my quick takes or even work on the future weeks of the Latin & Me series, ugh! So it was eventful in the morning to make the declaration that there would be no events that day. I type that out and it's so ridiculous I should probably delete, but I won't because I don't have too much to say on this chilly, snow free morning!

Another installment of my journey toward the more traditional roots of the Church published yesterday. I wrote about how I started receiving communion kneeling rather than standing. One of the comments was that the EMCs at her parish have a really hard time giving communion on the tongue and are even sometimes confused. I can definitely relate. This is why, whenever possible, I try to get in the line for the priest. They seem to be the only ones who can get it right all of the time! No offense to anyone who is an EMC, I am - and I even have a hard time and almost always prefer to distribute in the hand.

I spent yesterday morning watching Season 6 of White Collar. I found it on Amazon Instant Video and had some free credit from when I installed a Health App on my phone that I never use, so I bought the season. It was crazy - and I don't want to spoil anything if you are a fan and haven't seen the final season - but it is good!


This week the NAS ladies and I wrote about Travelling alone. It was a fun post to write, although I think I had a different outlook than a few of the ladies. Three years ago I'm not sure I would have said to travel across continents alone, but now, since I've been to the jungle of the Congo on my own and came back alive, I have some different thoughts!

Did you have this rule when you were a kid? "If you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to do anything else today." I did - and now it's creeping into my life as an adult in weird ways. Yesterday with all of the snow (the two inches rather than the 7 inches that was predicted), we had a snow day. The morning Mass was cancelled, but the 12:15pm Mass was not. The roads didn't look too bad by 11:45 and I was considering showering and going to Mass, but I thought, "if I can get there now to go to Mass, why are we off work?" I would have felt so guilty for going home afterward and having to explain why I wasn't there that I decided to stay home! Age old guilt! 

A bunch of us at Church are starting up a new social group for people in the 20s and 30s. Tonight is the kick-off event for Aquinas' Finest. Praying it goes super well!!!

Tomorrow MG and I are going to use some complimentary tickets a woman randomly handed me on Sunday for the Home and Garden Show. Maybe I'll get some great ideas for house decorations!

For more Quickity, Quick Takes, check out the gang with Kelly over at This Ain't the Lyceum!
See you next week, or stop by this week for more musings and antics!


  1. I just finished season five of White Collar on Netflix and can't wait to finish the series! Glad to hear someone liked six--I've heard a lot of people didn't care for it.


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