Today I am going to visit some great little ones and their momma! So un-believably excited! Silas & his siblings are my morning date! Also going to try to make mac'n'cheese cupcakes - best described as this: my lunch side item will be what would happen if a cupcake and mac'n cheese got married and had babies. It might be the cutest kid you've ever seen, or one hot mess that tastes delicious! for more 'simple saturdays' head on over to see Iris (doesn't look like there's a link-up, but oh well; I'll leave up the post since Silas is so darn cute!)
“You have prayed for patience, and I have multiplied the opportunities in which you could be patient.” God, speaking to St. Philip Neri ...Herein lie the opportunities the Lord is providing me to exercise this beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit - Patience.