For More Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary ! - 1 - I just love Pope Francis! He is drawing me closer to the Lord every day during his homilies - like yesterday: "They do not know how to enjoy the life that Jesus gives us because they do not know how to talk to Jesus," the pope said. Because they have no joy, they have no freedom either. They are "slaves of superficiality" or "the slaves of rigidity." ( full story ) And this picture of him is too much ... 27 days until we are in the same city, on the same beach, celebrating the same event! - 2 - We played our final kickball game of the season that would never end last night! It was with the worst team in the league, they are so rude! I really like our team...I feel like some people who I might just be friends with in the future. - 3 - I've been dog sitting all week for these two crazy dogs: They are actually pretty easy to sit for, but it only solidifies how...
“You have prayed for patience, and I have multiplied the opportunities in which you could be patient.” God, speaking to St. Philip Neri ...Herein lie the opportunities the Lord is providing me to exercise this beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit - Patience.