Have you seen this movie ? It was put out about six years ago and has one of my favorite actors, T.J. Thyne , from Bones . I know it's a little long - almost 15 minutes actually. And it's almost like a silent movie - no words. I was thinking about it last night when I couldn't sleep. Where do I get my validation from? Who do I get my validation from? What am I seeking validation for? All of these are difficult questions have intellectual answers for me, what I should be thinking and telling myself to do. Simply that I am a daughter of God, I am validated because I have dignity because I am a a beautiful creation of His. But in the middle of the night when the doubts and probings from satan creep from the background into the foreground, my answers don't come out as clear. They come out as messy, ugly lies (he knows my buttons very well). That there's nowhere for me to be validated, no one willing to validate me, and everyt...
“You have prayed for patience, and I have multiplied the opportunities in which you could be patient.” God, speaking to St. Philip Neri ...Herein lie the opportunities the Lord is providing me to exercise this beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit - Patience.