I have been in Brazil for the past 10 days at World Youth Day with a group of 12 pilgrims! So here are five favorite (quick) moments! 1. These fabulous pilgrims! 2. The 3 million people we prayed with on Saturday evening during the Vigil. 3. The most delicious caramel dessert I've ever eaten! (needed a pick-me-up one day) 4. Being on the beach - artists there did the coolest sand art! 5. And of course, Papa! It looks like he's waving right at us! Check out Hallie and friends for more favorites today!
“You have prayed for patience, and I have multiplied the opportunities in which you could be patient.” God, speaking to St. Philip Neri ...Herein lie the opportunities the Lord is providing me to exercise this beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit - Patience.