So, this is my first 'take' at 7 Quick Takes. I've been reading Jennifer's over at Conversion Diary for a while - and am beginning my quest to become a blogger. Not sure how much I really have to say, but I have a few good ideas every other day - so here goes nothing!
I didn't think I could be taken up into the cloud that is known as pinterest! But, I was very, very wrong :( I love seeing the extra-ordinary things ordinary people have done! Some awesome recipes, super cute DIY stuff for the house, and SO much more!!! Follow me!
Finally - a real reason to "keep calm" !!! and to STAY calm!!!
Favorite long lost song ... that I just found again!
There are definitely some days when I feel like praying like this ... not that I do, but I kinda want to. It's like a scene from this week's Last Many Standing when they were praying for the one daughter to lose her soccer game so the dad's plans weren't interrupted! But that's really just terrible, we've gotta be a little bit better than that!
Christmas Crocheting
Yes, you read that correctly ... this weekend I started crocheting present for Christmas! I saw this cute head band with two flowers on it in the 365 Crochet A Day calendar I bought back in January. So, three gifts down only about a hundred to go!
Whenever I'm afraid I will trust in You. Psalm 56:3
enough said ... now if only I can follow through!
Prayer of Jabez - "Oh, that you may truly bless me and extend my boundaries! Help me and make me free of misfortune, without pain!"
Started last Sunday praying for an expansion in our youth ministry program at my parish. The first two days were complete chaos in my spiritual life. Hopefully the next 44 days will be a little more fruitful.
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My current workout is driving me crazy. It's still really hard to do (not too much muscle memory yet), but yet I'm bored with it. I'm bored with the entire routine really ... want something a little different. Really, what I want is to be satisfied with my current body shape and size. I'm not sure I have ever felt that way. There may have been a few days during my freshman year in high school or the year I turned 7; but other than that, I've always struggled. Working on being good with myself this week.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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