Straight from the best dictionary writer - Merriam-Webster: my opinion, the biggest threat to our culture. The concept of "I'm okay, you're okay." Stating that whatever you're opinion is, that's okay. Believe whatever you want and that's okay.
This is how we've gotten into such confusion regarding the issues of artificial contraception, same-sex marriage, abortion, and many more. Even the existence of God. Now I'm not going to address the issues here.
I think that the bigger problem here is relativism. No concept of absolute truth. No one's right, no one's wrong - we're all just entitled to our own opinions.
But, are we? Can we just make up our own truth?
I was talking about this issue with a few teens earlier tonight. Using an example with poison. If you drink poison, it will kill you - whether you know it's poison or not; whether you choose to believe it's poison or not - it will still kill you.
It's the same with absolute truth - not the killing. The Truth is the Truth is the Truth is the Truth. We cannot redefine it, it's not up to us - we are just called to live it.
I was in an argument with someone over whether she was entitled to her opinion and I couldn't ask her to censor even if it meant that she was promoting things against Church teaching to our high school students. Should I have stepped in? I don't know - I felt like something had to be done.
If we are 'entitled' to our own opinions then we should at least be fully informed about them. We cannot make moral decisions based on personal emotions - they have to be based on absolute Truth. That is why we rely on the wisdom of the Church - She is not concerned with individual emotions, but instead the Salvation of Souls. Our Eternal Life is Her number one concern!
If only we had it as our own number one concern!
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