--- 1 --- Today is the last day of August! That means it's my baby Brother's Birthday!!! Happy 23rd Birthday to Nathan! Nathan is the man in the gray button down shirt! I can still remember when we were just kids. I was 4 when he as born and in the first few years of his life I tortured him by pulling his shoulder out of the socket (a few times), facilitating a burn, a walker down the basement steps, and I'm sure more that I can't even remember! We had a good childhood - a very blessed life! Now he's working in New York City, living in Connecticut, for at least a few more months before moving to New Jersey or even San Francisco! --- 2 --- The Food for Thought today was very thought provoking - I'm sure Matthew Kelly's intention as he wrote them. There comes a time where things seem against you although they really aren't, when you don't feel appreciated although you really are, when the self appointed kings of non-existent ki...
“You have prayed for patience, and I have multiplied the opportunities in which you could be patient.” God, speaking to St. Philip Neri ...Herein lie the opportunities the Lord is providing me to exercise this beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit - Patience.